南极磷虾粉 虾青素添加剂 东星斑鱼 观赏鱼料用蛋白 虾壳粉

    南极磷虾粉 虾青素添加剂 东星斑鱼 观赏鱼料用蛋白 虾壳粉

  • 2422
  • 产品价格:570.00 元/袋
  • 发货地址:广东广州 包装说明:不限
  • 产品数量:1000.00 袋产品规格:不限
  • 信息编号:212080141公司编号:23085045
  • 总监 微信 13558056088
  • 进入店铺 在线咨询 QQ咨询 在线询价
    相关产品: 虾壳粉



方法采用国标方法.结果与结论南进口鱼粉销往全国各地饲料厂、鱼粉贸易商、饲料生物企业、添加剂研发、养殖场、兽药店及养殖相关采购单位。 欢迎使用鱼粉各界朋友来洽谈业务,合作共谋发展。

Fish (fish meal) with one or more fish as raw material, excellent ani

mal protein feed protein and amino acid is balanced, but also balance the material especially good forage trace elements. Deoiling, dewat

南极磷虾粉 虾青素添加剂 东星斑鱼饲料 观赏鱼料用蛋白 虾壳粉ering, grinding high protein feed processed. The whole world fishmeal producing countries are Peru, Chile, Japan, Denmark, the United States and the former Soviet Union, Norway, Peru and Chile, which exports accounted for about 70% of the total trade volume. Chinese fishmeal production is not high, the fishmeal industry started late, and more for small scale production, low production, the main production in Shandong Province, Zhejiang Province, followed by Hebei, Tianjin, Fujian, Guangxi and other provinces and cities. At the end of twentieth Century, China's annual imports of about 700 thousand T fish meal, about 80% from Peru, Chile imports from less than 10% in addition, from the United States, Japan, Southeast Asian countries also have a sm或多种鱼类为原料,经去油、脱水、粉碎加工后的高蛋白质饲料原料。全世界的鱼粉生产国主要有秘鲁、智利、日本、丹麦、美国、前苏联、挪威等,其中秘鲁与智利的出口量约占总贸易量的70%。据世界粮农组织(2013年)统计称,中国鱼粉年产量约120万吨,约占国内鱼粉消费总量的一半,主要生产地在山东省(约占国内鱼粉总产量的50%)、而浙江省约占25%,其次为河北、天津、福建、广西等省市 [1]  。20世纪末期,我国每年大约进口70万吨鱼粉,约80%来自秘鲁,从智利进口量不足10%,此外从美国、日本、东南亚国家也有少量进口。虽然迄今鱼粉仍为重要的动物性蛋白质添加饲料,但是我国饲料工作者一直研究探索低鱼粉日粮和无鱼粉日粮,发酵豆粕是目前的替all amount of imports. Although China's feed workers have been exploring low fish meal diets and diet without fishmeal, but so far the fishmeal remains an important animal protein feed, feed in many still unable to replace other feed. Nutritional characteristics of fish: fish is rich in nutrition and good digestibility, widely used in feed industry, especially juvenile animal feed, fish meal protein essential amino acid content is very high, especially methionine, cysteine, lysine, threonine and tryptophan content. The animal can use natural amino acid peptide forms in fish meal, it is very effective to improve the overall balance of essential amino acids in the diet. The raw material and the processing technology of nutritional value depends on the production of fish meal.

欢迎来到广州港鱼粉贸易有限公司网站,我公司位于历史悠久,交通发达,经济发达,地理位置优越,对外贸易发达的广州市。 具体地址是广东广州渔尾西路8号4栋,负责人是曾海燕。
联系电话是86-020-82002114-, 主要经营进口鱼粉、秘鲁鱼粉、美国白鱼粉、进口鱼油。
单位注册资金单位注册资金人民币 100 - 250 万元。

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